About LoveFIP

Hello and thanks for joining us at LoveFip

The Official Unofficial website for lovers of Fip in Brighton and Hove city.

We are not associated with the radio station FIP (or Radio France) but we are the official site for everything unofficial to do with Fip in the city.

We love FIP and we hope you do too.


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63 comments on “About LoveFIP

  1. Ou est passe FIP? Quand va-t-il revenir sur les antennes?Tous les jours j’essaie de l’entendre dans ma voiture. De temps en temps j’y arrive, mais pas pour assez longtemps. Quand je suis sur ordinateur j’ecoute FIP tout le temps.
    Il faut absolument remettre FIP sur antenne, toute la journee et tous les jours.
    FIP manque a Brighton, les brightoniens veulent FIP(pas seulement les Francais brightoniens). Tous les amateurs que je connais le reclament.
    Il y a surement une facon europeenne de retablir FIP. C’est l’Europe ici aussi!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Qui peut agir pour retablir FIP?
    Chantal (a Brighton depuis plus de 30 ans)


  2. Hello, I will try to write in English…
    Breaking news: Radio France tries to find a legal means to emit Fip in England ( 1) . As soon as possible I will tell you !

    ( 1 ) : Source : France Inter. Journal d’information de 08h00, le lundi 28 avril 2008.
    (Source: France Inter. radionews on Monday April 28, 2008, 8 AM edition)


  3. Is anyone updating this website??
    FIP seems to have gone completely from satellite!

    CanNOT receive FIP since weeks on my Astra1 dish!

    Heared they are still on Atlantic Bird3, but don’t have a dish for that!

    Anyone know more about this?!?


    • I have no problem with my 15 year old echostar receivers that deliver far better sound and video than any receiver made in over a decade….I lost FIP for about four hours recently that is it….no other problems. You may need to upgrade your LNB or re enter the tuning details as a transponder tune.

      Also what size dish have you got I hope it is not one of those tiny SKY dishes.

      ASTRA 19.2 degrees East
      11568 MHz
      22000 kSps


  4. Bonjour.
    Auditeur sur Grenoble via la reception satellite depuis longtemps, musique, qualité du son, climat jazz le soir, jamais les memes titres diffusées, et surtout, NO PUB!
    Espere un jour FIP sur Grenoble, ici, beaucoup de radio commerciales sans interet, c’est pub et toujours les memes titres, c’est une polution sonores.
    Me voici solidaire à cette association d FIP et bravo au créateur.


  5. FIP stopped to broadcast its program on Astra satellite because of to high fees asked from Canalsat to retransmit. It maybe also due to the fact that the actual French president don’t really like the public media and he’s cutting its finances like suppressing on public TV the advertising income.

    It’s possible to receive worldwide FIP via Internet streaming with a good quality under this link:


    Free media player like VLC are able to read this streaming on all operating system:

    Don’t put everything into your hears!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s working these days (on 91.1) ! Thanks, c’est toujours un plaisir de pouvoir écouter ma radio préferée quand je viens a Brighton…


  7. Also in Belgium and the Netherlands we are deprived from FIP ( on the cable and hotbird/astra of course). My dutchspeaking website has been gently overflooded with comments in favour of FIP and here and there cable radio providers are considering to bring FIP back. So this is kind of an “Internationale de la Fip”.
    Vive La Fip!


  8. I used to love driving around Brighton trying to get the best FIP signal. Now I am living in Melbourne and, realising no amount of driving around the outback was going tp pick up a signal, have found the best way to have non-interupted fipness is t’internet… http://www.radiofrance.fr/chaines/fip/endirect/ If you hook up some cheap speakers, perhaps with a dodgy cable, to your PC it’s just as good as hanging out of one of the towerblocks in Kemp Town with a coat hanger.


  9. I loooooove FIP so much, too 🙂

    However, since I live in Belgium, I cannot use a regular FM receiver to listen to it.

    But I’m using what is to me a perfect solution: use a FIP stream (eg the one mentioned above) via the SqueezeBox connected to my Hi-Fi system.


  10. I listened FIP several years directly behind the French boarder where I was born in Germany. Then I moved after education away from the radio frequencies and was quiet happy to be able to listen FIP over DVB-S (Satelite). But now it’s gone 😦 FIP? R.I.P.!


  11. info d’un ami de RF bien placé….les discussions ont repris le dossier est au CSA mais un accord à l’amiable est en vue entre RF et CSAT (pour rappel RF doit 800k€ à Csat ….
    à suivre


  12. hey, we are in chicago and we listen to fip everyday on our internet radio. Love that station. I grew up in Troyes and on Good days (but only on good days) you could get FIP on the radio from the paris broadcast. It’s much better now.


  13. FIP is still available free to air on satellite via Atlantic Bird 3 at 5 degrees West.
    It is on the super beam antenna which covers the whole of Europe . Most of Europe will receive very reliably this using a 80 cm dish. North of the Isle of Man and Newcastle in the UK may require a 90cm dish to be reliable. Europe mainland is good with a 80cm as far north as Scandanavia and Estonia.


  14. We Love Fip. Vive la Fip et la resistence! We live in brighton and are listening right now, infact its the only station we listen to. Bon courage mon amis! xxxx p.s. ‘sar-ko-zy’ is the only word we understand.


  15. I’ve been listening to FIP online for the first time while working on the computer. What a varied, amazing station. When the bland commercial stations that we have here in the UK all boast that they play ‘A greater variety of music’ they don’t really know the meaning of that phrase.

    Very impressive and let us hope that Radio France is able to keep FIP going.


  16. I love FIP and listen via the internet on Radio France website or on Buttons on various sites listing radio and tv streams.
    Perhaps an international campaign to get it on all platforms, satellite and internet is in order with gathering of critical mass to help survey grassroots demand for station.? Just a thought.


  17. And I may I suggest a GENERAL Fan Site outside FB sites. All of us could subscribe to FB Groups. Affiliate General site to Brighton and Hove ( I live in UK but this appears to be only Fan site in UK). That also could be another step forward. Petitioning OFCOM via No 10 is yet another idea.


  18. Hey guys just to let you know that @ the Fortune of War on Saturday the 28th November we have THE FIP RADIO at the pub, the first Official Fip gig in Brighton. It’s free entry so come along and enjoy.


  19. Ay up


    I’ve just figured out how to get FIP Radio on itunes. It’s great having it on itunes.

    First of all make a itunes playlist called FIP.

    Then click from the itunes top menu “Advanced>Open Audio Stream”. (I’ve got Apple Mac – not sure about PC).

    Then copy and paste this url into the window (don’t click it like a web link, copy and paste it into itunes…)

    [audio src="http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/fip/all/fiphautdebit.mp3" /]

    Now press play and you will be listening to FIP. This will create an album in your itunes library called “FIP Haut-débit”

    Add “FIP Haut-débit” album to FIP playlist and hey presto… FIP on tap 🙂



  20. A scotsman living in Brighton for about 5 years now. Came across FIP by accident. When I have moved to different places I like to tune into the radio stations in that place and found FIP next Radio 2, like most others I presume? Tried to describe it to people I work with – difficult. Initially I said “cafe music” but it tends to change into all sorts of music from different countries, but in a laid back way. Anyway it is worth supporting because I like to listen to something like this because it is something you cannot categorise. Keep listening as it makes you feel good.


  21. I have a strange problem which is that I can listen to fip ok via their player but not in Second Life which uses Quicktime even tho other stations play ok. Anybody know an answer?

    Fip is just the kinda station I like ….. interesting, unexpected, awkward, with flashes of brilliance ….. like me lol.


  22. Hello!
    I’m a frenchman who lives in London,I cannot live without fip and I listen to it on my laptpop.I support Brighon!!!


  23. My FIP’s connection thru internet is not smooth and neither seemless anymore as it used to be.
    Anyone of you are facing the same problem or just me?
    In advance thx for your answers.


  24. During the day they keep this page updated with the last few tunes:

    and this page has the full day’s archive:

    I use them all the time to find out what I’m listening to.

    Thanks to whoever’s letting us Brighton and Hoveites escape from the dross of UK radio (although Reverb is certainly worth checking in on from time to time).


  25. I was driving through brighton the other day flicking through the radio stations to try and find something other than mainstream pop music and stumbled across this little gem of a radio station. Absolutely in love with it!


  26. OK back again…just wanted to see if message is going through…so anyway I love FIP and live in Paris but find it aggravating that the tunes are never announced; Is this a policy? ok I don’t need to know all the titles all the time but still ….Yes I know the playlist is on FIP site….but still…how to resolve this…? Jimi


  27. stations francais pour vous en brighton;-
    grandes-ondes/long wave
    France Inter 162 tous les jours et nuits
    Europe 1 182
    RTL 234
    RMC* 216 *dans la nuit seulement
    radio blue 864 jour et nuit
    fr infos 1377, 711


  28. I live and work around Brighton as a builder and I make mental notes of where FIP is available, addresses that get good reception get priority and a favorable quote! Unfair you might say, tough I say, if you can’t get FIP I have to listen to the drivel England calls radio…and anyway it’s my business…literally!


  29. FIP is very much here to stay on ASTRA I waited sometime before
    adding ASTRA to my system that was HOTBIRD only.
    But FIP is great again off ASTRA 19.2degrees east.


  30. My french housemate introduced me to FIP a few months ago. It’s been a great discovery! Prabably listen to it more now than my other favourites 6Music & WorldwideFM.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. I appreciate that this forum is outdated, but we’re still loving FIP in Brighton! Found this page recently and would love a revival of it. Is this page still moderated?


    • Hi, we don’t really update it anymore it’s been left as a tribute to somebody who passed away. They were the inspiration and the world is a sadder place without them.


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